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  • Writer's pictureAvi (BeeBo) Sahar A Musician's Blog

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

Hi and welcome to my blog, I'm Avi (Beebo) Sahar, an aspiring musician living in Bangkok, Thailand.

My musical education started when I was about 16 years old growing up in Israel during the late 80s. I convinced my father to buy me a guitar and pay for some private lessons after I got to see Eric Clapton performing live in Jerusalem. During those years, although I felt I made considerable progress technique wise there was a constant inner voice telling me I just didn't have the necessary talent to make music.

I kept spending countless hours in exercises as it kept me away from dealing with the sad fact that I felt I wasn't good enough and won't ever be. A few years passed and although I could technically play quite a bit on the guitar, I couldn't make any music of my own or at least any that I actually liked. When I was improvising, I stuck to the safest pentatonic scales I could fit on the progression and resorted to arsenals of licks I could play with my eyes closed sort-of-speak.

At the time, the few teachers I had were aspiring musicians themselves and unfortunately, didn't stress enough the importance of a well rounded studying plan and since I couldn't get my hands on sufficient quality reference material (mind you this was pre-internet), I ended up selling all my equipment and moving on with my life in my early twenties.

Later on in life during my mid thirties, me and my wife at the time Dina were expecting twins. Dina was into all sorts of new age stuff and insisted that I talk to our soon to be born babies as they can hear me and will develop a connection with me pre-birth if I do so. I was quite skeptical and uncooperative until I eventually came up with a simple compromise which was playing guitar for them instead...

So, I got an acoustic guitar and started playing regularly again. To be honest, I'm not sure it worked but I had a feeling that they liked my playing since they were born so I continued to play for them and started studying again as I became more and more passionate about it.

This time around I had a seemingly endless reference material due to the internet revolution and I managed to improve my playing and ability to create music in a way that I didn't think was possible when I was younger.

To be honest it wasn't that easy but I was consistent enough in my search that I managed to get to a point where I'm happy with my playing and I can see a clear and continuous path for future development.

This blog is where I wish to share with you the knowledge that I acquired and found most beneficial in terms of making my own music.

Please feel free to subscribe and comment, I'd highly appreciate your feedback.

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